

The Academy conducts weekly classes teaching its Wu-Wei Dao fighting system, which teaches the varied arts of the Academy in a structured way and in a friendly, helpful environment.

Class sessions

Monday and Wednesday 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Saturday 10:30 am to 12:00 pm 
Thursday 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm (internal arts class)
Saturday 9:30 am to 10:30 pm (internal arts class)

Class structure

Classes are 60 - 90 min long, with the first 10-20 min comprising warm-up and conditioning exercises.
In karate classes, this is followed by approximately 10 min of kihon (basics), 30 min of  kata (forms) and kumite (sparring), 20 min of weapons training (see Arnis and Kobudo) and 10 min of cooling down and stretching.

Supplementary exercises are interspersed throughout these activities, ensuring that the students can develop the physical fitness necessary for both health and self-defence.

The weekly classes tend to be small and personalised, with
typically no more than 15 people in a class and up to 3 instructors teaching/assisting.

After the warm-ups and a few basics, the class is usually divided into smaller groups for individual practice, with the instructors circulating and correcting.

Great emphasis is placed on safety during training.  It is for this reason that egotistical behaviour is not tolerated and a high degree of etiquette and decorum is both practised and expected.
The Academy's students are well known as friendly, helpful and welcoming to newcomers and visitors.  Students range in age from the early teens to mature ages.  Separate classes are held for children with a specific syllabus and focus for them.

The weekly classes are not geared towards competition but rather are conducted in a traditional manner with a focus on effective  civilian defence, health and fitness.

Beginners spend part of their first 8 lessons with their own private instructor, and part of those lessons joining in on group activities.  The individualised attention in the first 8 lessons allows the beginner to become acclimatised to both the techniques and the conditioning.

Students from other systems join in the class and are given more personalised attention on an "as needs" basis.  For karate students, after a reorientation period (between 3 to 6 months) they will regrade to the relevant grade under the Academy's syllabus.